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Use of and access to this website is subject to the following terms and conditions which you are deemed to accept by accessing this website: 

Use of Information 
We have developed this website to provide you with information relating to our services. The information on this website is general information only and is provided free to you. It is not intended as, nor is it capable of being, advice on any specific problem or a replacement for individual professional medical advice, opinions or therapies advised to you by your medical practitioner. We endeavor to keep the information on this website up to date; however; we make no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, suitability or currency of information on this website. All information on this website is subject to change at any time. Always seek the advice of a qualified medical professional before acting on the information on this website. 

Links to other websites
We are not responsible for, and have no knowledge of, or control over the content of any other websites linked to this website (linked websites). Links to other websites are provided solely to facilitate your easy connection to those websites. We do not sponsor or endorse, or accept any liability for the content of those linked websites. Use of any information provided on any linked website is at your sole risk. 

Hypertext linking
You must not create a link to any part of this website without our prior written consent. If you do create a link to any page of this website, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the consequences of that link and you indemnify and will keep us indemnified against all damages, costs, losses (including without limitation, loss of profits) and expenses of any kind, whether direct or indirect, arising from, or in connection with, that link, whether brought in tort, contract, equity or otherwise. 

Intellectual Property
We own all copyright and other intellectual property rights in this website. All rights are reserved. You must not copy, display, modify, reproduce, store on a retrieval system, transmit (in any form or by any means), distribute, use for creating derivative works, or use in any other way for commercial or public purposes, any part of this website without our prior written consent. Except where noted, you may download material for your personal, non-commercial use provided that you:

Retain all copyright and other proprietary notices on each copy 

Use the material in a manner consistent with these terms of use; and understand that no intellectual property rights or licenses shall be granted to our trade marks, trade names or copyright material 

This website (and the services described in it) are only intended for persons resident in the United States of America. This website is governed by, and is to be interpreted in accordance with, the United States of America laws. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we accept no responsibility for the compliance of the information on this website with the laws of any other country. You agree to indemnify and keep us indemnified against all damages, costs, losses (including, without limitation, loss of profits) and expenses of any kind, whether direct or indirect, arising from, or in connection with, your access to, or use of, this website, whether brought in tort, contract, equity or otherwise. 

All information on this website is provided 'as is'. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including (without limitation), warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose. 

We will not be liable for any damages, losses (including, without limitation loss of profits, business or data), costs or expenses of any kind, which arise out of, or result from, any use of, or inability to use, this website or any other website which is linked to this website.